The fear was that Day 1 would be miserable. Ultimately, it was more refreshing than anything. According to an unimpeachable source — a guy on the 803 bus, one of those randos that gives you the[…]
Category: music news
Album review: Teenage Cavegirl, Candy Cigarettes
Am I about to overrate this record based on personal taste? Possibly. Some music reviewers probably feel a need to account for their own biases, to “normalize” their evaluations and ratings of albums for their perception[…]
Woodstock 50’s death: Another shot to the jaw
The lineup above is pretty stout and diverse, isn’t it? Much better than Fyre Festival. Now admittedly, I don’t have encyclopedic knowledge of failed and cancelled music festivals. But I have to think that, in terms of starting-point[…]
Album review: Los Coast, Samsara
It surprised me a little to learn this was Los Coast’s debut album, because it seems we’ve been hearing about them around here for forever, or forever-ish, at least. Formed way back in the simpler times[…]
Shows: Eric Tessmer EP release @ the Historic Scoot Inn
Two moments from Eric Tessmer may define his music to date better than anything else. Or at least, they’re moments I’ve witnessed that I’d consider to be Tessmer in a nutshell. One is on record;[…]
Shows: Sofar Sounds w/Jomo and the Possum Posse, Erika Wennerstrom, Midnight River Choir
There’s some controversy with Sofar Sounds, as it turns out. My Instagram posts about the recent Sofar show at Aviator Nation — my first Sofar experience — prompted one of the bands that follows us[…]