So much is unfolding socially this week that’s bigger than music, although it will inevitably become inspiration for music in short order. I believe that soon, commentary on the issues and unrest of this turbulent[…]
Category: music news
An ominous Shady shoe
I’d be disingenuous if I wrote about Shady Grove as though I’m an Austin long-timer, or as if I made Unplugged at the Grove a personal weekly ritual each summer. In fact, now I’m cursing my[…]
Review: Whitney Rose, We Still Go to Rodeos
Anybody else out there viewing just about every single piece of entertainment through the lens of what we’re dealing with right now? Whether it’s a show, the printed word or a song, every reference I[…]
Traffic Jam: Stuff I’m listening to while social distancing, part 1 of who-knows-how-many
Quarantine is suboptimal, it’s harder than you’d think to write while stuck between four walls, blah blah blah. I could write a bloated, unnecessary intro about how I’ve been feeling for the past four to[…]
Spread the donations, not the COVID; and the Austin Music Awards, aka my last congregation (for awhile)
It’s March 22, 2020 as I finish this latest entry in this disease-free (as far as science knows) digital space. Seems important to note the date, because COVID-19 news is so fluid that even if you[…]
SXSW in the ground, coronavirus fears on the ground, and notes from the Austin Music Industry Awards
Forgive me in advance for the lack of a firm position in this post reacting to something that, by any measure, is a BFD. It’s been an interesting past week-plus around Austin, let me tell ya. Before I[…]