Anybody who does all three days of ACL — really does it, as oppose to just camping in one convenient spot all day — knows what it does to your feet. Specifically, it murders them.[…]
Category: music news
Shows: The Bad Lovers, Rattlesnake Milk, the Crack Pipes and Lindsey Mackin of Annabelle Chairlegs @ Hotel Vegas
If this lineup for the Bad Lovers’ single release party was “all like 2014,” as Lindsey Mackin of Annabelle Chairlegs said near the start of her solo opening set, well … take me back? Simpler[…]
Yeah Yeah Yeahs have given us the Song of Anti-Summer. Now, hearts like mine need the comeback to be completed
For an ardent-but-realistic Yeah Yeah Yeahs appreciator, it’s a little surprising how astoundingly this comeback has gone — so far. Nearly a decade after one of the best bands of the 2000s left us with a barely-worth-any-trouble[…]
Shows: Vandoliers @ 3Ten ACL Live
Pretty much as soon as Vandoliers began playing Thursday night, I thought about when the last time was that I’d heard anything that could be described as “cowpunk,” or even heard the term. Even in[…]
A short roundup of a music search to beat the summertime blues: The Deer, Primo the Alien, Party Van
Someone needs to cover “Summertime Blues.” That’s a thought that’s been kicking around in my head for a few weeks now. Cover the Eddie Cochran classic and change the lyrics to match the moment —[…]
Shows: Y’all Out Boy’s Far Out party makes pop-punk feel like the perfect genre it definitely isn’t
If I wanted to detail my complicated personal relationship with pop-punk, I could probably go on for awhile. I might even bore the ever-loving crap out of you in the process. For concision — because I really[…]